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For my FMP I chose Pokemon because of my long-term love of the franchise from my childhood. I wanted to create a new outlook on the Pokemon’s role-playing game, to show that the Pokemon themselves were not just creatures of battling but they were also unique and had other qualities. I decided to communicate this by showing all 721 (at the time) Pokemon’s height in all six generations.


I played on the heights by having my six posters set up as an A0 size that would hang in gaming shops that sold the games for a clear connection that would inform my audience (Pokemon fans). I also created a clear connection to the games by using the same colour coding for each of the 18 Pokemon types. Finally, I created my own grid system for consistency in all posters that would also set the borders for the rows for each Pokemon. 

Keeping within the mechanics of the game I also created two A2 posters for two generations (gen one and gen sixes). Using Pokemon within these generations as the information I wanted to display. These six base stats are Attack, Defence, Speed, Health points, Special attack and Special defence.


I wanted to influence my audience in choosing a team of six Pokemon to use within the game that they would not normally choose. This was because my research indicated that most, if not all people chose a Pokemon based on its looks and not what the Pokemon can actually do. These posters were to try and inform my audience of a Pokemon’s potential away from their looks.


Like the height posters, I chose the existing colours for the base stats represented in the games for clear communication for my audience. I also added an average of 100 to show how each Pokemon faired up against others. These posters would come in the books that follow the games for a guide for my audience to use if required.

ADDITION - After the new release of Pokemon Generation 7 (2016) I have added to my project by completing the generations and added the new generation height poster. This new addition follows the same system on the last 6 posters and is displayed in the same way, using the same rules.

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